Beach, May 2014

Beach, May 2014

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh what a beautiful spring day!

We did art the other day, and included Natalie in the process.  I realize I need to get some good kids supplies from Stubby Pencil Studio ( I had it all in my cart but I just can't bring my self to pay 10 bucks for shipping when it's in Portland)  I think I'll just stop buy when I'm up for Easter.
Look how cute they are playing together
yep, I need some beeswax crayons
Standing on her own at pre-school, and not quite sure about it
She's growing so fast, she's not a baby anymore and it makes me sad.
I am going to miss this yard like crazy, I love it in the spring. 
clothes drying on the line under a blooming cherry, have you ever seen laundry look beautiful before?
Aiden rocking his bathrobe, can you believe it still fits?  I made it for him before he could walk!
This is his "No pictures please" shot. my little rockstar!

and this, this is what happens when NO ONE naps... this was at about 830 at night and the two of them were full of P and V.  By the time I got the camera in the right mode to record video they had stopped laughing hystericly but this is still funny.  Happy Thrusday to you all.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let's get NAKED!!

Yippy it's spring, and according to my kids, time to play outside, NAKED!  Really it was only 68 or so, but that didn't stop Aiden from playing in the water.  When we got ready to go outside I asked Aiden if he wanted to wear shorts and he said "yeah that might be good" So we put on shorts.  Before he went outside he informed me "I don't like these pants" why not? I asked, and he killed me with his reply; "because these pants make my legs stick out, I don't like my legs sticking out like this" Out of the mouth of babes.  I laughed until I cried.   We had a picnic and spent almost the whole day in the yard!
Even Malaki came over to play in the water
I love the shot with her licking the comb.
Is there anything cuter then chubby toes, chubby thighs and a baby belly all wet and grassy?
What a good old dog Malaki is, she'll be 9 next month
This girl LOVES to swing.  You go outside and put her down and she takes off with a butt wiggling crawl to the swing
if you even start to unbuckle her she has a fit.  She is wet because Aiden had "watered" her
We made a number of laps around the yard.  Nothing like a wet, naked wagon ride in the sun
It would have worked better with Natalie in the small wagon and Aiden in the big one, but Aiden would have none of it.
I LOVE this picture, it will be even better in black and white.
And this, how I love this time, cuddled on our bed nursing.  Just us.  I love my babies and I will always tresure the time we spent nursing (good thing, there has been a lot of it, and I'm in no hurry to stop)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekend at Uncle Ryan's, for a late birthday celebration

We went to Ryan's house to celebrate his birthday and on our way stopped at Cape Perpetua... I think we have been trying to get up here since Mom's  birthday in October.
The kids seemed to like it but we had planned to eat lunch at the rock house...
Aiden just wanted to go to Uncle Ryan's... so we made a quick loop, Natalie nursed and we headed on up the coast
Aiden wasn't even going to get out of the car until we got his bike out
My little man is growing up so fast
Of course there were presents to help open
and boxes to play in
and what kind of birthday celebration would it be without cake (I made a goofy cake with my friend Maren's white sauce buttercream frosting. It was GOOD)
Not nearly enough candles but oh-well.
We also set a goal to get Ryan's hallway painted.  This is no regular hallway, it must be some 40 feet long, often refered to as the green mile because it just keeps going and going. So on Sunday we got started painting.  Ryan didn't want to get paint in his eyes so he put on these very stylish glasses...
everyone wanted to wear them they were just so cool
See he's pointing at himself because he's such a trend setter
Mom was also looking mighty sharp in her fishing hat, how glorious to be behind the camera so there are no pictrues of me painting in my PJ's
The kids playing in the front yard
Natalie smelling (eating?) the flowers

I love a babies look of concentration
Playing together

Look how happy she is with herself
Such a big girl, she'll be walking in no time!
On monday before we left (and put a second coat on the hallway) we walked Ryan's property to see where his acre lay.  It was a great weekend and it's nice to know there is only 2 more rooms and countless closets to paint.  um.. yeah... painting... I'll have to remind him of all the hours we have spent painting when the white walls of the new house start to get to me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

pictures of the new house

The front of the house (duh)
The Right side front
the back, this is where we'll put raised beds
back and garage.  The latice work you see is a covered porch off the kids rooms
the fenced part of the yard.  the covered patio is off the 'main level master suite' or in our case, office/play room
the front porch. 
looking out
dining room with window seat
kitchen.  door on the left is a pantry, and the one on the right is laundry and out to the garage.
look at all that counter space!
and MORE storage! (the pot rack stays too)
living room from the landing on the stairs
out the front window, a park!
downstairs bathroom off the office
and again
Aiden's hiddy-hole under the stairs, in the back of the office closet
looking down, look at the original windows!
and again
Natalies room, to the left at the top of the stairs
her door out to the deck
the backyard from her window
looking towards Aiden's room
looking back towards Natalie's
Aiden's room
claw foot tub!!
built in
our room
guest room/craft room
and again
Natalie's door on the right guest on the left
the kids practicing the stairs
the house as seen from the park

I thought I should put up pictures since you can't look at the link anymore.  So there she is in all her 107 year old glory.