Beach, May 2014

Beach, May 2014

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Natalie Video


Just a little video of me trying to get Natalie to smile (sounds like I am breathing really hard, but I'm really making the 'Oh' face at her) and at the end she talks back.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day and Natalie's first trip to the beach!

Natalie or Gnat Bug as he calls her and Uncle Ryan

Natalie and V right before we left.

Looking tough with a sand soul patch

This is Aiden's new "tough guy" face

scary with the muscle shirt and all

Natalie LOVED the beach and the wind

Aiden and Nonnie after they played in the waves, they also saw the eagle catch something in the ocean.

where we were sitting and if you look close you can see the eagle up above us in the trees

Bald Eagle hunting on the beach. Funny thing is this is the second time we've seen one here..

Aiden and one of my cousin's cat's. The cat just Loved Aiden and followed him around.

Nonna making faces at Natalie

Natalie's 5 week birthday, at the beach for the first time.

Another one of Aiden and the cat, I think it's cute.

Everyone is smiling

SO cute

Looking serious

and happy


More of the first time at the beach

All bundled up for the wind

Natalie and I in our fort

short video of Natalie at the beach

Thursday, May 21, 2009

a garden blog

Aiden helping water. I have NO idea what the deal is with his shirt. He went in side for something and came out shouting "Aiden do it, Aiden do it" Looking like that.

My Iris's that I transplanted and had no hope of ever blooming...

Tomato's all in a row... mmm.. can't wait!

shelling peas and sugar snap peas. I'm going to plant my pole beans on top of them if I ever get around to it.

My lettuce is thriving this year, and I even have some strawberries growing in there
So the garden is doing well so far. The raspberries are putting on flowers, as are the Marion berries, both promising a good crop. The lettuce is so wonderful to have after a winter of store bought greens and the herbs are going crazy, no picture as I filled my card up but it's on crack or something. I didn't even fertilize it this year, so who knows. I have also put my praying mantis egg sack out to hatch and provide me with free pest control, then again I also feed the birds so I might just be feeding them some tasty little green desert, but I'm hopeful. At the very least if one makes it to adult hood (there are 200 in the sack) then Aiden and I can see it and watch it and it will be worth the 8 bucks I paid. Well, off to water and weed, the story of my garden! happy growing everyone!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a week of appointments...

I'll have you know I have been working on this blog for almost a week now. Why does it take so long to get a few pictures posted and type up the happenings of a week with a newborn and
Aiden. Not much happens, in fact I'm lucky if I get a load of laundry done and maybe my garden watered before it's time to go to bed and start over. Right now both kids are sleeping and I feel like I'm forgetting something. No one is attached to my boob, pooping on me or asking for .. well any number of things because he knows I have his sister nursing. Nor is he repeating the same thing to me over and over and over and over.... oh..two year olds. How I love them. SO anyway, I better get to it or someone will surely wake up. Last week was crazy, I think we had a doctors appointment of some kind or another everyday, nothing like getting two kids out of the house and to an appointment, on-time everyday for 5 days. We did okay, but I am glad the week is over and as is the surgery that the appointments were leading up to. On Monday I got a tube put in my ear so I can hear again. I would have thought I would out grow this, as did everyone else since they all seemed to think that it was Aiden who was getting the tube not me. But it's in, I can hear and now life can go back to "normal" Other then that, we had to have Natalie's tongue clipped, she was tongue tied and that was why she wasn't gaining weight fast enough. So hopefully it will solve the problem and we can stop taking her in for weight checks every week. She dealt with it fine and seems to be nursing better. Well guess that's all, better get to this weeks blog while I have a chance!! what two blogs in a week, yeah crazy I know, but remember. That second one is just a passing thought. It is likely not to happen, since the washer just beeped at me and there is a pile of diapers to fold and clothes on the line to bring in. Not to mention dinner... oh and those two kids who are sure to wake up any moment.

Okay she looks a little grumpy, but she's awake and kinda looking at the camera

Loren carrying Aiden in the Ergo for the first time, it just doesn't make sence to haul the frame back pack allong when Aiden wants to walk most of the way.

Aiden is instucting me to "take a picture of the tree that fell down over there, Mama"

Two sides of a Gustafson Head

Still worried about that tree I haven't taken a picture of

he's getting so big he can actually push the foot levers now

Me and the kids, this is the best one, and no one was looking at the camera but me


She is such a happy girl, One month old!! how the time flys

Daddy time, she might be pooping here, that looks like a poop face..

I couldn't resist, such a cute little butt under the apple tree

Watching the leaves

Aiden woke up too early from his nap, so he went back to sleep on Daddy

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend, Natalie week 3

The beautiful wisteria on the front of the house and cute little baby cherries promising another bumper crop this mouth is watering just watching them grow

my beautiful roses that Loren got me for Mothers Day

The new carrier that my mom got me, Natalie seems to like it and I can even carry Aiden in it. He's laughing at the silly light here... no red eyes for him!

Natalie and Nonna, Natalie's looking at Aiden

More Nonna time

Paul and Jane surprised us by stopping by on Saturday, Natalie apparently had had enough of the picture taking!

Aunt Penny and Uncle Peter meeting Natalie for the first time

Self Portrait by Aiden

Back yard fun looking at the shadows

Smiles! Looking cute in her brown and pink dress. I should have taken a full body shot.

Aiden and Natalie having blanket time

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Well we had a good week here, full of appointments so we have been all over the place. Natalie had her 2 week check up, shes not gaining weight at quite the rate they would like, but at this point we are just going to watch it closely, as she is eating well and getting enough at each feeding. Aiden still loves his sister and when ever she crys he tells her its okay "its okay niddawy, It's alright " then if that doesn't work along with kisses and hand holding he starts singing made up songs to her. It's so cute! On Friday we went up to Portland to spend some time with my mom for mother's day, Natalie only woke up once on our way up to eat so it wasn't the nightmare I had envisioned. On Saturday Aunt Penny, Uncle Peter, Paul and Jane came over to meet little miss Natalie, who slept the almost the whole time, but she did smile once. Mom and I had a nice dinner Saturday night for our mother's day celebration. We had a nice brunch on Sunday morning and headed home to spend the day with Loren. He got me a beautiful dozen roses, chocolate and a super sweet card. I got some of my potted plants planted and my lettuce weeded out. All in all it was a great mother's day. I hope all you mothers out there had a great day too. Until Next week, enjoy the sun and rain!