Let me just start with saying that we could never replace Malaki. She is still missed greatly and talked about often. She is buried under a large tree in the lower yard at my mom's house. Where she can and smell the ocean she loves so much and she can keep an eye on things.
Aiden and Loren both made her markers. Loren hand chiseled the granite that he found broken at a job site. It was truly a labor of love, he spent hours on that stone chiseling with a wood chisel and having to sharpen it often. While Loren worked on it Aiden made the cross and love sign.
Each time we go to the beach we find her treasures. Agates, interesting rocks, pretty shells, sticks she would have loved to chase. And we always talk to her, tell her what's going on and how things have changed.
Having said that I sure do like this dog. She is the easiest puppy I've ever had.
She loves the kids, and if you walk too far away from Elin (in her opinion) she will go sit by her.
If she goes to sleep, again, she will guard her.
Walking out to the ocean? she'll come protect the kids.
If someone is bored and you're putting away dishes? Here come's a dog (this is Sultan, my mom's dog, and Shelby's brother)
The cat has even taken to her.
This makes me want a dog... she looks so cute! So sad about Malachai, but glad she has a good spot to watch.