Okay so I have started this post about 5 times.. but never got that far. This time I WILL finish it. So solstice as great again this year. The night before we had a nice dinner with a yule log cake for desert.
The kids both got to open one gift (the one from each other) Aiden looked at the Woody doll that Natalie picked out for him and got the most disappointed look on his face and said "why did you get me this? I didn't want this... I wanted a Buzz with wings that came out" And thus began the season of getting and the first of many talks about being thankful for what you get and that if you don't want it I'm sure someone else does.
When it got dark we lit off fire works in the street then watched a movie
We stayed up late waiting for the eclipse... the kids actually made it until it was fully covered... then they both fell asleep outside wrapped up in blankets. |
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Watching the moon..Natalie kept saying "bye moon, bye bye... PEEK" |
Opening presents... Natalie's something to wear |
Her something she wants... BONGOS from Daddy! |
On our walk on Solstice afternoon..., Natalie is such a HAM |
Aiden's something to wear, a bit big but I got a good deal! |
And then on the 22nd we headed up to Portland for Christmas... with tree decorating...
Cookie making with Nonnie..
The Grotto Festival of Lights... Interesting but not worth the money. Jesus wouldn't want us to spend that much money to see that little... but now we've done it.
And we got to go with Auntie Jessica (who we haven't seen since before Natalie was born) We had a great time together making fun of the whole racket!
And then it was Christmas Eve.... and Uncle Ryan and Shanda came up... The kids got matching PJ's as always
Aiden was so happy to have Uncle Ryan and Shanda there, and he really seemed to get into the Santa thing this year...
This is Natalie's version of Aiden's squint look.
The kid stockings were OVER FLOWING... what lucky kids!
Just before bed... almost time to open a present...
they both got a magnetic story board, Aiden got Pirates and Natalie got a fairy tree house
then we put out cookies for Santa and apples for the reindeer, next to the tree so he wouldn't miss it and off to bed with the kids. We had to all promise Aiden that if we heard something in the living we would come and wake him up so he could talk to Santa. He just wanted to talk to him.
Santa came!! and brought the cash register that Aiden had asked for in his letter to Santa (just by the hair on Santa's chinny chin chin... it showed up at 4 on Christmas Eve)
He brought something else too, because we had to have a plan B
Amazingly with the tree surrounded by gifts they were happy with these two things and their stockings!
then we made the mistake of letting Aiden open Uncle Ryan's gift of Lego's... then nothing else mattered.
so we actually opened gifts in a few shifts allowing them to play with what they had, and they were fine with it.
Natalie all dressed up for the day
Uncle Ryan as a doctor (or priest)
Uncle Ryan won the prize of the best gifts... a baby for Natalie.
Mee-meeing Lollie
Lego's with Uncle Ryan
Blanket houses just for fun!
Like Aiden's look? Family dinner! All in all we had a great time with everyone, we LOVED the time we had with everyone but it's nice to be home. There... I got it done and I only wanted to quit Blogger about 5 times. (and then there was the time Loren closed the tab when I was up-loading the pictures) yeah...