a blog about kids,family,friends and fun.
About growing, sewing, baking, cooking and
About the life of a stay at home mom and her attempt to raise healthy happy kids.
We went to Ryan's to can Peaches as always and also to celebrate Aiden's birthday. Instead of a party he asked to go to Uncle Ryan's and Play. SO we took him to the aquarium on the first day, Grammie came down to play for a night, we canned peaches, went to the beach and had a birthday celebration! It was great fun and I'm sorry it's taken me SO so long to post pictures. We're kinda busy these days. I'm lucky if I get a shower. Oh and if you think I'm just sitting around posting blogs, I'm not, Natalie is sitting on my lap, Aiden is helping me dust and luckily blogger now lets you cue up a ton of pictures at a time. So I cue them all up, and go clean/cook dinner/take care of kids/nurse and nurse again then come back and type something up real quick. Natalie just tried to delete it all so I'll stop whiel I'm ahead. Have a great weekend and the next time I post I'll be DAMN close to 30. I have decided to just stay 29. It's a good age I bet.
Hey Danielle, Thanks for updating your photos and all, Ryan and I sure enjoy looking and reading. Anyhow, Wanted to wish you a Happy B-Day!! I hope this works! Shanda
I'm a stay at home with a 7 year old son, Aiden Jeremiah, a daughter, Natalie Cecelia 5, Baby girl Elin Marie, 2 months, #4 on the way and a wonderful husband who has return to school for a new career so I can continue to stay home with the kids. We grow a garden, love to work in our yard, make what we can and are frugal with what we buy.
Hey Danielle, Thanks for updating your photos and all, Ryan and I sure enjoy looking and reading. Anyhow, Wanted to wish you a Happy B-Day!! I hope this works! Shanda
haahaa.. that is super cute! Thank you very much. It's the best singing I'll get!