Beach, May 2014

Beach, May 2014

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hello July, where have you gone?

 This is how I feel these days

The kids (Aiden and Natalie) started swimming lessons yesterday.  They are excited about them and doing great so far.  Sorry about the lack of posts I think I lost July.  (you can see some of our pictures from the last month here).  We were super busy playing with our cousins here, in Astoria back here, at the coast, at country fair, back in Astoria, getting lice (yes, lice) but not really, just a few eggs and no major infestation (thank goodness).  Canning (jam season it is).  Watching Star Wars with the kids for the first time (hurray) and now swimming. Enjoy some pics from the last month.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

We've been crazy busy!

Yeah I know I say that a lot but here are some pictures from the last few weeks, I still need to take the time to up-load Aiden's performance from the last day of Preschool and then there was 4th of july and ... COUSINS.  Lot's of cousin's.  They are up from Texas for a few more weeks and we are soaking up as much cousin time as possible, they just left after almost 2 weeks here and now we all head up to Astoria for a week of grandparent fun.  SO,  Here is a link to some pictures.  Enjoy and I'll be back soon enough. Gotta get my sun time and fun time in while I can!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Elin Marie is 9 months old!

 Look at this girl, she's got trouble in her eyes.
 Hanging out with Mama waiting for Aiden, she loves to honk the horn with her butt.
 Bath time fun!
 MMM berries for the first time!
 Love those baby blues
 I also love seeing her in Natalie's old clothes.
 Very seriously telling me "mo, mo", will she sign? no, she talks.
 the pre-crawl stage. so proud of herself.

 teeth coming in, 3 hours of sleep last night and still smiling. (oh and no nap)
 She's a mover this girl of mine.

Can you believe she's 9 months old already?  I can't.  She has two teeth, working on 3 and 4 and is now mobile.  Like right now, at 4:14 she has officially crossed the living room rug in a scoot crawl.  Oh my baby.  Please slow down Elin, your my baby.  Can't you just stay small and cuddly? Please? 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A few honey-dos..Done!

  My boys made me a few things I've been asking for over the last few weeks.

 Number one being a bed platform. Here is how we it was for a few weeks (a month maybe?) anyway, you can't just have a king mattress sitting on the floor in the play room for longer then the 2 weeks it was there.
 Okay, Natalie helped too, Don't you like the look?  I don't think she should be using power tools with her hair like that.

Aiden is actually old enough now to use the power tools.  He's sanding his mallot that Loren made him here.  Man he's growing up too fast!
 I lost my parking spot for the construction but it was worth it.  Here it is all put together and in the process of being coated.  Brazilian cherry legs and American cherry on the sides.
 The boys putting it together.
 Finished product.  I just love it, it's tall, and big and I don't have to get up from the ground anymore, and my hips don't hurt, and there is room for all.
Even this one, isn't she cute?
 Here is project two, a fence to keep the dogs (and kids) out of the gardens
 Only cost me about 12 bucks in material so it isn't fancy.
 But I really like how it looks, and it keeps everyone where they should be.
 Look at how the lettuce has grown!  my spinach is just coming up too.
 This is last years fence to keep the berry monster out of the berry garden.  Now she reaches through and picks the unripe strawberries anyway.  At lest some of them get to ripen. 
 Things are getting big!! I think I'll squeeze in some currents next year back by the goose berry.
Aiden insisted I take this picture of him plucking weeds.  Look at him go, I'm telling you, tell them it's a treat and they do your chores for you. I'm so luck to have such handy guys in my life.  Thank you Loren for all your beautiful work, and thank you Aiden for being such a good helper.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Picture catch up!

 So I know I kept saying I was going to post the pictures from the little camera.  And I should but hey, I'm busy, and somehow the time slips away from me.  So I uploaded them to facebook (something that I can do and walk away) and here is the link to them.  So go, check them out and I will try and post a honest to goodness post on Wednesday of my new bed and new fences.  Super cute and made by Loren and Aiden. Happy Monday!! here's a sample of what you will see....(yes, this is Natalie after she dressed herself)
Elin's crazy bath hair and her two new teeth!