After far too long we finally went camping. I knew it was a possibility so I got all ready on Friday, made granola and brownies. Made bug spray and bug lotion (that worked quite well, thank you) Packed the car, fed the kids, charged the lantern. So when Loren walked in the door at 6:30 all we he had to do was shower and load up.
We went to Archie Knowles Campground, just about 30 miles west of our new house.

We got set up just before dark and the kids had a great time playing on the beds. Natalie thought it was great fun to have everyone (even the dog) all sleeping together.
The next day we just played in the creek down the bank from our site. We were in #1 so it was a little noisy from 126 but so close to the stream it was worth it.
There were many beautiful photos to be taken
tons of little fish and crawdads in the stream just waiting to be chased.
Natalie and I having breakfast together. We got up first and made coffee for Daddy.
The rocks were amazing and the creek was shallow so we could walk across and it was warm for the kids to play in.
Loren and I let our inner children out and built a dam... of sorts
Natalie is turning into such a little girl!
We also spent a lot of time skipping rocks (the boys) or throwing rocks (the girls) Both activities were frustrating for the dog who just wanted to bring things back
Natalie LOVED the water and spend all the time she could walking, splashing, crawling and a bit of falling in the water

This is the last photo that was taken before I found a large crawdad in the creek.. I had stashed my camera on a huge log for safe/dry keeping while I was playing in the water. Aiden found it. He took this and a few others before I yelled to him that I had found said crawdad. He was excited and ran towards us. With the camera... in his hands... it was wet and slick. and.. I am sure you can guess what happened. yep... look at all those rock pictures I took. The camera flew... hit the rocks (but didn't go in the water, so I didn't loose the pictures) and... broke. I can still take pictures apparently but I can not see what i am taking a picture of. Loren was a little ray of sunshine and said, "some day they will teach classes on your style of photography. Maybe you don't need to see what you are taking a picture of" yeah... I loved that camera, it had great colors. but I've let it go. We had a good run, it was only 4 or 5 megapixals and outdated technology. That's what I keep telling myself.

The next day when we tried to leave the car battery was dead. REALLY really dead. So dead that it took like 10 minutes to charge up enough to start. again, Aiden had been 'driving' and turned on all the dome lights. We are hoping he learned a few lessons last weekend I know we did 1. never put the camera down where your almost 4 year old can get to it and 2. never let your child 'drive' unless you check right away to ensure that all dome lights are turned off. Good times good times.... it will make a good story some day, right?