Beach, May 2014

Beach, May 2014

Friday, February 26, 2010

TEN, and an explination of sorts

Let me just start off with my apology for forgetting you, well no so much forgotten as put on the back burner. As you all know we are house hunting, and I have come to find out it is a long, very time consuming (um, yeah, I don't know who I was fooling thinking it wasn't) process. So the blog, house cleaning, projects (VERY Sad about this one) and even un-necessary baking and cooking have been abandoned at this point. Sorry. We are also down to one computer so I have to share (and Yes, loren is a bit obsessive with his blogs). So yeah, I'll be back when I can, hopefully posting a picture of out new home!! Until then here is my Friday TEN (it's been a long time since I've done this, I know)


TEN things that make me happy right now!

  • 1. Watching my kids play together
  • 2. The anticipation of a new nephew (or niece, but it's a boy. I know it) arriving any day
  • 3. Knowing the perfect house it out there for us, we just have to find it
  • 4. Giving gifts that you know are just perfect
  • 5. Already having my St. Pattie's day gifts/books for the kids and Loren (I know, I'm crazy)
  • 6. Unexpected dinner with my mom ( I love my mom, and my kids love their Nonna)
  • 7. The trees bursting into bloom
  • 8. The daffodils and crocuses in my yard, my favorite colors together! Spring green, deep purple, rich yellow
  • 9. going to the logging show with the family tomorrow, and watching Aiden's face light up looking at all the big equipment.
  • 10. Knowing Loren has the whole weekend off and I get to spend it with my family.


Friday, February 5, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words right? Join me on a novel would you?

While we were building our city we (I) also made some bread
Natalie's first time on the grass on her own
and not to sure about how wet it is
the look of disgust is priceless
Helping me plant lettuce
she got over the wet grass
Loving the swing
Aiden, mighty wormini hunter.  When we left for our bike ride he put these in his house so they wouldn't go away.
A nice day for a ride in a convertible
yep, these about sum it up, our first day of sandals
I tried to get us all in the picture.
it didn't work
Let me just finish this post with a few statements...
A.  This is all today and the time now is 1:30
B. It is February 5th and the temperature now is 67 degrees...Yep 67, Can you believe it!! As soon as Natalie wakes up were headed back outside where Loren just finished mowing the lawn.  I have the windows all open, the doors open and I think I might hang my first load out to dry.

Here's hoping your day is as beautiful as ours...tonight is movie night and then a few more chapters of the BFG, we started reading Aiden chapter books last week.  We started with Winnie the Pooh, and he liked it a lot and now the BFG, which brings back memories for Loren and I as we read it. So much nicer then the same books over and over.

Crafting for Kitty and Jacob

Last weekend I crafted for Kitty and Jacob. They needed clothes, and I suggested a cape (easy right?)
I had other things planned as you can see, but only a few got done
Pieces cut out and ready for hand stitching... yep hand stitching because I can do it while nursing
Initials appliqued and ready for the cape
The capes done!
So after how ever many hours this took I showed them to Aiden who said "how come you didn't spell out their whole name, they need their whole name Mama"
A helmet was also crochet for Kitty, but I have to find it to take a picture.  Safety first right??

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Catch up from last week

Look how cute Natalie is in her big girl underwear!!
as you can see she is very proud

Natalie fell asleep on our way home from shopping and when we got to the house Aiden said "I'm holding her hand while she sleeps Mama" So sweet.  I love my kids
So I'll post my weekend crafting blog this afternoon but I told my mom these videos would be up today and so I HAD to do it even if we have school in 45 minutes and only Natalie is dressed.... needless to say there will be no more stories or tales from last week..just yet.

Stay tuned for more!!