Beach, May 2014

Beach, May 2014

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Solstice!!

Today we celebrated Solstice.  It was wonderful.  We had just a few gifts each, Loren bought the kids both bikes, I got them socks and books.  We had a nice brunch  and went for a walk to the park (Aiden rode his bike, he's still getting it down and really just walked with the bike between his legs).  I can't wait to do it again next year.  Last night we lit off fireworks to kind of symbolize the return of light.  I found an old light stick and Aiden ran around like a chicken with his head cut off with it.  The simple things in life.  We had Aiden's bike covered with a blanket this morning and he has been asking for a bike so he figured out that he was getting one, as you can see...

Natalie couldn't have cared less, she was happy to play with the ribbon and try to play with Aiden's spokes.  She does like her trike though.  She's not quite tall enough for it but it wont be long.  I am really happy with the bikes we found for the kids.  We will get alot of miles out of both of them. 
The kids and I are off to Portland for Christmas week.  We hope you all have a very merry holiday season.  Welcome winter and thank you for your return sun.  I can't wait for warm days in the yard and summer days working in the garden.  Happy happy and lots of Love from us!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

it's cold.

Yes, I know, it's cold where you are too (except my mom who's in Arizona we won't mention her) but we here in Springfield are quite cold.  10 degrees with NO SNOW isn't fair. Our house is drafty and inefficient so we have been moving heaters around and rolling up towels all over the place, I even made quilted outlet draft stoppers, (they help, but not a lot).  So today we woke up to another chilly morning, Loren who never gets cold didn't even shave because it was too cold in the bathroom, (we had to move the bathroom heater to Aiden's room to keep it warm at night).  So Aiden and I got up and cuddled under a blanket for a while then decided to watch Madagascar II and have hot chocolate.  I went all out for my little man, it's so nice to have a little time with just the two of us before Natalie wakes up, I don't blame her for staying in bed, she was in our bed with the heated mattress pad on snuggled under the down comforter. So here's our morning 'coffee', whipped cream made from the cream on top of our raw milk and even chocolate shavings.  Yumm, it looked so good I put it on my coffee!  Stay warm and I'll post again today with the tree getting pictures if I have a chance.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

where have I been?

Picking Pumpkins

Cruising on the couch and SO proud

This is what I mean when I say he's funny, this is underwear head...

in their matching PJs on Aiden's new loft bed. Aiden LOVES to match her.

before the side rails were on the bed

Natalie is rocking the faux hawk

Pumpkin's with Grammie

remember this... I just had to add it... he was so sweet and little...

Flying lizard make up

flying lizard and bumble bee girl

oh wait I have a blog? THAT'S RIGHT!!  People expect things to happen like... occasional updates? Sheesh you people and your high expectations.  I've been busy with making Christmas gifts (purses, pot holders, pickled peppers, (no, they are not all p's) hats, pictures, calendars and photo books)  Well there were a lot of p's in there weren't there?  I have also started making bags... Lot's of bags.  I was thinking I'd give all my gifts in bags but I'm not sure I have it in me.  Maybe just my goodies that I hand out every year will go in bags.  We have also been doing the pre-school thing 2 days a week and that takes time my friends, more time then you would think because I have to get the kids ready, pack lunches and coats, things to sit on and books or clean my house to host it.  I am also still working everyday (or that's the goal) and last weekend I went to Portland to make pasta with my mom and her sisters.  (seriously what is with all the P's?  I even have Pecan Pie in the oven right now) I guess that's the letter of the day. So I'll catch you up as best I can.  Natalie is SO close to crawling it's not even funny.  She had a check up yesterday and she was 16 lbs 9 oz (50th percentile) and just under 28 inches long (90th percentile) she is really ahead on her milestones (saying mama, dada, ad-ie and pu (we think it's Up)) she is pulling her self up if you let her use your hands or on the shower rail.  All around getting to mobile for my liking after my previous experience with an 11 month crawler.  Aiden is loving school and wants everyday to be a school day.  He's a very funny boy and his latest thing is to ask "Mama, what's today look like?" or "what do we have going today"  makes me laugh.  In fact he makes me laugh everyday, he's such a clown.  So I'll stop typing, (I have to move on to apple pie soon) and put on some pictures, I know that's what many of you are here for right?   yep, I got you figured out.  Happy Turkey day!!  I am thankful for my wonderful family and great friends.  What are you thankful for ?

Natalie peaking out of the baby wearing poncho I made for us... I love this picture

Monday, October 19, 2009

Up-date from Natalie

Hi, this is Natalie.  I just wanted to let you all know what I've been up to.  As the second child Mommy doesn't give weekly up-dates like she did with Aiden.  But that's fine, she still takes pictures and sometimes writes things in my baby book.  So I'm six months old now, it seems like just yesterday I was clinging to my mothers uterus refusing to leave, it was cramped but warm and cozy.  So what have I been up to (other then learning to type) well, I can sit up now, unless Aiden comes to close or does something I think is silly because then I have to flap my arms and kick my legs and I often fall over due to all the gesticulation. I am eating too, it all started a few weeks ago when I grabbed some applesauce on a spoon and put it in my mouth.  I like it but I really prefer to feed myself with this mesh bag mom gives me.  I have one tooth that I like to use to bite on things, especially if it will make noises when I chew on it (like my rubber place mat, I like how it squeeks).  I can also talk some, I have been saying Dada for a few weeks and last week I threw in Mama, I usually save this for when I am upset because if I say Mama enough looking at Mom then she almost always comes to get me. It's my secret weapon. My hair on the side of my head fell out, but now it's growing back.  I never lost the stuff on the top so I kinda look like I have a bad toupee on.  I can also say no, or shake my head.  I learned that from Aiden.  It gets lots of laughs because I have to concentrate to get it right.  Well here's a video of me shaking my head.  I hope you all like this little up-date from me.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

So my birthday weekend My mom came down to celebrate with us.  We had fun on Friday, Mom came down early enough to go swimming with the kids and I then we went and got new shoes. I love having cute shoes, and Aiden has his first pair of big boy shoes, Keens with a real sole.  On Saturday we went to Saturday market then to Deetering Orchard for the Apple Festival.  I spent most of the time (an hour and a half!) standing in line for a 5 minute horse drawn hay ride.  The things we do for our kids.  On the plus side I got my first gallon of fresh apple cider.  This is a picture of Aiden on his hayride, giving me his tough guy face.

I think I could have just showed him this old cat and saved my self the time in line!

The kids looking cute while Mom and I made birthday dinner

Natalie's not sure and Aiden's hamming it up!

birthday morning picture by Aiden

Family Picture before going out for breakfast

afternoon cheesecake and coffee... YUM!

So this is my balloon.  The story goes like this:  Aiden decided he wanted to buy me a balloon, and so it was part of his plan with my mom.  So on Saturday I took them to a florist to buy a balloon.  I waited outside with Natalie and after what seemed like a LONG time they came out with 2 balloons.  This  small yellow one and a massive rose.  So big that it's still around two weeks later. My mom looked at me and laughed and told me to ask Aiden what balloon was mine.  I bet you can guess, yep the yellow one.  Aiden gave it to me and said I could share it with him.  And just so you know he already had a yellow balloon from the apple fest AND a balloon dog that I bought him at Saturday market.  He wouldn't share the rose either. 

Here he is very pleased with his balloon. He could have had a bird or a puppy but he chose the rose!

These are my cake-pops.  Isn't it clever.  I have clever friends.  Sarah made these for me along with a very cute pin cushion. They were VERY good.  I love that you can see Aiden in the background just waiting for the chance to eat one.

All in all it was a great birthday!  Thank you everyone for your warm wishes and I look forward to celebrating my 29th again next year!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trip to Ryan's for peaches

We went to Ryan's to can Peaches as always and also to celebrate Aiden's birthday.  Instead of a party he asked to go to Uncle Ryan's and Play.  SO we took him to the aquarium on the first day, Grammie came down to play for a night, we canned peaches, went  to the beach and had a birthday celebration!  It was great fun and I'm sorry it's taken me SO so long to post pictures.  We're kinda busy these days.  I'm lucky if I get a shower.  Oh and if you think I'm just sitting around posting blogs, I'm not, Natalie is sitting on my lap, Aiden is helping me dust and luckily blogger now lets you cue up a ton of pictures at a time.  So I cue them all up, and go clean/cook dinner/take care of kids/nurse and nurse again then come back and type something up real quick.  Natalie just tried to delete it all so I'll stop whiel I'm ahead.  Have a great weekend and the next time I post I'll be DAMN close to 30.  I have decided to just stay 29.  It's a good age I bet.